Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Blogmas Day 4 2018

In continuation of the previous post about working in retail, today, I went shopping with an old friend from high school. With it being a Tuesday, it wasn't too bad but still, there were quite a few people out doing their own holiday shopping I'm sure.

This got me thinking...

How many of us are "last minute" shoppers? How many of us are strictly online shoppers? How many of us are, what I like to call, hybrid shoppers? (Meaning you do a mix of online/in-store shopping for the holidays.)

Me, personally, I am a hybrid shopper but lean more towards strictly online shopping. Just because it is so much easier. You don't have to fight the craziness of in-store shoppers because as we clearly discussed in the previous post, people are RUDE and very inconsiderate of others these days.

I live in a small town in Alabama so the closest shopping malls are 45 minutes to an hour away. It just makes it easier to do your shopping online and when you factor in the time and gas money, it comes out either cheaper or just the same as in-store shopping. The only down fall is if you are an last minute shopper, you can't really wait to do your shopping online due to shipping, etc. (Unless you're willing to pay the price for faster shipping.)

So, what are you? Give that some thought. Hit the comment button below and let me know!

Until next time...

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